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Push to mirrors: adds prerequisites and notes for when to publish to mirrors step
* Release
** [ Firefox Release]
*** prerequisites: wait for driver email subj like 'push Firefox $version $buildnum to (release-cdntest channel|cdn|mirrors)'
*** Note: antivirus and update_verify automation emails should be completed
** [ Fennec Release]
*** prerequisites: wait for driver email subj like '(Android|fennec|mobile firefox) $version $buildnum (uploaded|pushed|published) to (Google Play|play store)'
*** Note: push to mirrors step can happen after we push to play store, since we serve updates through google play and not balrog (so cdn/mirrors don't need apks).
** [ Thunderbird 38 Release]
*** prerequisites: wait for driver email subj like 'push Thunderbird $version $buildnum to (release-cdntest channel|cdn|mirrors)'
*** Note: update_verify automation emails should be completed. we don't run antivirus on tb
** [ Firefox ESR38]
*** prerequisites: wait for driver email subj like 'push Firefox $version $buildnum to (esr-cdntest channel|cdn|mirrors)'
*** Note: antivirus and update_verify automation emails should be completed
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