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17,589 bytes added, 01:13, 11 September 2015
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== Advanced Debugging ==
=== Using logcat ===
[ logcat] is a tool that is going to show you some logs prompted by the device. It might be a good help if you don't want to or can't run gdb. You can use it by running this command:
adb logcat -v time
You can make things appear in logcat using printf_stderr. With debug builds, NS_WARNING, NS_ERROR and NS_ASSERTIONS will show up in logcat. If you're trying to debug something, you may wish to pipe the logcat output through grep to filter out irrelevant things (most Fennec-related output will be viewable by
adb logcat -v time | grep Gecko
but remember that when attaching log output to a bug you should include unfiltered output as there may be relevant log entries under other tags.
==== Using other logcat apps ====
===== ICS (4.1) and below =====
* Install the [ aLogCat] app. Use it to capture logs and attach the logs to bugs.
Once you have alogcat installed, just use Fennec as you would normally. Upon encountering a bug or issue, start the aLogcat app (as soon as possible after seeing the Fennec issue) and select "Share" or "Save" from the menu to send it via email or save it to the SD card. The log can then be attached to a bug or sent to a developer. As with adb logcat, it is better to have a log with timestamps than without timestamps. To enable timestamps in the log, select "Preferences" from the aLogcat menu, and change the "Format?" option to "Time".
If you need to, you can search for some kinds of Fennec-related output by using the "Filter" menu item and entering "Gecko". However, when submitting logs for bug reports, please make sure you clear the filter and include all of the available log data.
===== Jelly Bean (4.2) and above =====
* Install the [ LogView add-on]
* Root the device and use the [ aLogCat] app as above.
==== JavaScript dump() ====
To use the dump() function in JavaScript to write to the log:
# Go to about:config and set browser.dom.window.dump.enabled to "true"
# Run the following ADB commands:
adb shell stop
adb shell setprop log.redirect-stdio true
adb shell start
=== Using JimDB ===
See [[Mobile/Fennec/Android/GDB]]
=== Using Debug Intent ===
'''Note: this is not useful with JimDB. If you want to use JimDB, just start it.'''
In order to attach before things get running, launch with:
adb shell am start -a org.mozilla.gecko.DEBUG -n org.mozilla.fennec_foobar/.App
(Replace foobar by your username)
and just click launch once gdb is attached. If you need to debug a crash that happens before XRE_Main is called, the patch on {{bug|572247}} may be useful.
this script [] will attach gdbserver for you
=== Getting dalvik java stack dumps using gdb ===
(gdb) call dvmDumpAllThreads(true)
this will dump a stack trace to logcat
Note: this will only work if you have symbols for dalvik.
=== Debugging with jdb ===
JimDB can now launch JDB integration
You can also use eclipse for debugging in a similar way by setting up for debugging "Remote Java application".
=== Debugging with eclipse ===
You need to find the PID of your fennec process. Forward it to a local TCP socket as in "Debugging with jdb."
In Eclipse switch to the debug perspective. Go to Run > Debug configurations... Remote Java Application. Change the port to the TCP port you specified in your adb command. Under Source, navigate to your checkout, then into mobile/android.
Eclipse looks for source code in a specific location. You need to create the directory hierarchy:
gecko -> ../../base</code>
That is, in mozilla-central/mobile/android, create org/mozilla, and put the symlink gecko pointing to mozilla-central/mobile/android/base.
You may also want to add more debugging information and can do that like this:
diff --git a/config/ b/config/
index 4591239..a47726a 100644
--- a/config/
+++ b/config/
@@ -70,6 +70,6 @@ JAVAC_FLAGS = \
-classpath $(JAVA_CLASSPATH) \
-bootclasspath $(JAVA_BOOTCLASSPATH) \
-encoding UTF8 \
- -g:source,lines \
+ -g:source,lines,vars \
-Werror \
=== Arguments and Environment Variables ===
If you need to set an environment variable at run time, append '''--es env# VAR=VAL''' to your activity manager command where # is the ordered number of variables for example:
adb shell am start -a android.activity.MAIN -n org.mozilla.fennec_$USER/.App --es env0 VAR=val --es env1 FOO=bar
If you need to pass arguments at run time, append '''--es args "<your-args>"''' to your activity manager command. For example, to launch with a specific profile:
adb shell am start -a android.activity.MAIN -n org.mozilla.fennec_$USER/.App --es args "--profile /mnt/sdcard/myprofile"
To launch with a specific URL, use the am -d option to set the intent's data URI:
adb shell am start -a android.activity.MAIN -n org.mozilla.fennec_$USER/.App -d ''
=== PR Logging ===
You can use the env vars as described above to enable NSPR logging:
adb shell am start -a android.activity.MAIN -n org.mozilla.fennec_$USER/.App --es env0 NSPR_LOG_MODULES=all:5 --es env1 NSPR_LOG_FILE=/mnt/sdcard/log.txt
If no file is specified, logging is directed to the android logs:
adb shell am start -a android.activity.MAIN -n org.mozilla.fennec_$USER/.App --es env0 NSPR_LOG_MODULES=all:5
Look for lines marked "PRLog" in the adb logcat output.
=== Using legacy GDB (non-JimDB) ===
See [[Mobile/Fennec/Android/GDBNoRoot|Fennec/Android/GDBNoRoot]]
=== Reading back the framebuffer ===
If you need to verify what is in the back buffer at a particular time, you can cleverly call functions from gdb to allocate memory, read back, and write that to disk.
You need to know the size of your framebuffer a priori; in this case, it's 480x699.
You also need to know what the GL enum values are, because unless you compile with -ggdb, you don't have #defines available to you in the debugger. Very helpful information: GL_RGBA = 0x1908, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE = 0x1401. The rest you can find in gfx/gl/GLDefs.h.
You '''should''' be able to call glReadPixels directly, but in my experience that causes Fennec to crash. However, if you have a GLContext* lying around, as you often do, you can work around that problem.
<pre>(gdb) set $m = (int*)malloc(480*699*4)
(gdb) call aManager->mGLContext.mRawPtr->fReadPixels(0, 0, 480, 699, 0x1908, 0x1401, (void*)$m)
(gdb) set $f = fopen("/sdcard/outputfile", "wb+")
(gdb) call fwrite($m, 1, 480*699*4, $f)
$7 = 1342080
(gdb) call fclose($f)
$8 = 0</pre>
Now there is a file called /sdcard/outputfile that you can adb pull. But since it's just raw RGBA values, you need to be able to wrap that in PNG headers to display it. [ Jeff Muizelaar wrote a header called minpng.h that you can use to do so.]
Get Jeff's minpng.h, and put it in a directory along with a driver c program:
<pre>#include "minpng.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
FILE* f = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
int w = atoi(argv[2]);
int h = atoi(argv[3]);
char* d = (char*) malloc(w * h * 4);
fread(d, w * h * 4, 1, f);
write_png(argv[4], d, w, h);
Compile and run:
<pre>$ gcc -o minpng minpng.c
$ ./minpng outputfile 480 699 output.png
=== Using Rendertrace (Maple) ===
Rendertrace is a utility that will dump layer position and timing information (such as drawing, upload) to the console. This information can pasted into the rendertrace web front end to visualize the layer position and event timeline. This will let you understand where you're gecko is spending its time and why were checkerboarding.
To enable go in 'gfx/layers/RenderTrace.h' and uncomment '#define MOZ_RENDERTRACE'. Rebuild and run 'adb logcat | grep RENDERTRACE', paste the result in and hit 'reload'. For details talk to BenWa.
=== Using apitrace ===
Apitrace is a tool for tracing GL/EGL calls for debugging purposes. It basically uses an interim shared library called libapitrace that contains shadow gl* and egl* functions, which then get logged and then passed through to the real driver.
Use apitrace from to build for desktop and android.
apt-get install libegl1-mesa-dev libgles1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa-dev libqt4-dev cmake
git clone
cd apitrace
# Build for Android
cmake -DANDROID_NDK=/path/to/your/ndk -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=android/android.toolchain.cmake -DANDROID_API_LEVEL=9 -Bbuild-android -H.
make -C build-android -j8
# Build for desktop
cmake -H. -Bbuild
make -C build -j8
export EGL_SOFTWARE=true
./build/eglretrace -v /path/to/your/apitrace_log.trace
The Android build will create in build-android/wrappers, which you can then push to your device to /data/local:
adb push build-android/wrappers/ /data/local/tmp
Restarting Fennec will cause it to load the apitrace library and the apitrace log will be saved to /data/data/org.mozilla.fennec_username/firefox.trace
You can then adb pull /data/data/org.mozilla.fennec_username/firefox.trace and analyse it on your desktop.
You can also use qapitrace as a GUI to inspect your trace files. (be sure to switch qapitrace to the EGL api using the options dialog)
These instructions provide a trace that does not include the Java GL code. To get traces including java code is more complicated. You need to use
the patch from this bug and this version of Further, you'll need to build your own image/modify the current one to replace /init.rc. You also need to disable hardware acceleration of the UI ( Ask jrmuizel for more information if you want to do this.
=== about:memory ===
about:memory provides heaps (ha!) of useful memory information.
You can obtain a snapshot of memory info from a running Fennec instance using:
adb shell am broadcast -a org.mozilla.gecko.MEMORY_DUMP
This dumps a json file to the SD card and prints out the exact filename to logcat. You can pull the json file to desktop using
adb pull <absolute-path-to-file>
and view it in firefox's about:memory: use the "Read reports from a file" option at the bottom of the about:memory page.
=== Profiling ===
=== Tweaking UI prefs ===
By default, all of these prefs are set to "-1" in Fennec, meaning they take the values listed below, which are maintained in
Fractional values are specified in 1/1000th of a value; to specify a value of 0.3, write 300.
Note: You need to restart Fennec after changing these values.
! Pref !! Default value !! Description !!
| ui.scrolling.friction_slow || 850 || This fraction in 1000ths of velocity remains after every animation frame when the velocity is low.||
| ui.scrolling.friction_fast || 970 || This fraction in 1000ths of velocity remains after every animation frame when the velocity is high.||
| ui.scrolling.velocity_threshold || 10 || Below this velocity (in pixels per frame), the friction changes from friction_fast to friction_slow.||
| ui.scrolling.max_event_acceleration || 12 || The maximum velocity change factor between events, per ms, in 1000ths. ||
| ui.scrolling.overscroll_decel_rate || 40 || The rate of deceleration when the surface has overscrolled, in 1000ths. ||
| ui.scrolling.overscroll_snap_limit || 300 || The fraction of the surface which can be overscrolled before it must snap back, in 1000ths. ||
| ui.scrolling.min_scrollable_distance || 500 || The minimum amount of space that must be present for an axis to be considered scrollable, in 1/1000ths of pixels. ||
| gfx.displayport.strategy || 1 || The strategy we use to determine how display ports are calculated. 0 = fixed margin, 1 = velocity bias, 2 = dynamic resolution, 3 = no margins ||
| gfx.displayport.strategy_fm.multiplier || 1500 || When gfx.displayport.strategy = 0 (fixed margin), the 1000th of each dimension of the viewport the displayport is sized to. ||
| gfx.displayport.strategy_fm.danger_x || 100 || When gfx.displayport.strategy = 0 (fixed margin), the 1000th of the width of the viewport the horizontal danger zone is set to.
Danger zone is defined as the space at the edge of the viewport at which the viewport (and hence displayport) starts being changed.
| gfx.displayport.strategy_fm.danger_y || 200 || When gfx.displayport.strategy = 0 (fixed margin), the 1000th of the height of the viewport the vertical danger zone is set to. ||
| gfx.displayport.strategy_vb.multiplier || 1500 || When gfx.displayport.strategy = 1 (velocity bias), the 1000th of each dimension of the viewport the displayport is sized to. ||
| gfx.displayport.strategy_vb.threshold || 32 || When gfx.displayport.strategy = 1 (velocity bias), the threshold for velocity, in pixels/frame, when multiplied by the screen DPI. ||
| gfx.displayport.strategy_vb.reverse_buffer || 200 || When gfx.displayport.strategy = 1 (velocity bias), the fraction of the buffer (in 1000ths) to be kept in the direction opposite the direction of the scroll. ||
=== Invalidate the JavaScript startup cache ===
To make life easier for developers, '''in local development builds only''', {{bug|976216}} invalidates the JavaScript startup cache every time Firefox for Android starts. On non-local development builds (including TBPL builds and try builds), the JavaScript startup cache is not invalidated at startup.
Background: JavaScript files and modules (like <code>browser.js</code>) are cached for fast startup. The cache is invalidated only when an internal build ID is updated, which only happens when certain C++ code is rebuilt. That doesn't happen for most patches that only touch Java and JavaScript within <code>mobile/android</code>. See {{bug|695145}} for the details of this build ID handling. If you happen to be building a non-local development build in some way, you might need to invalidate the JavaScript startup cache by touching <code>toolkit/xre/nsAndroidStartup.cpp</code> and rebuilding libxul.
=== killer script ===
if [ $# -ne 1 ]
echo "usage: $0 packagename.of.your.activity"
echo "for example:"
echo " $0 org.mozilla.fennec"
p=`adb shell ps | grep $1 | awk '{print $2}'`
if [ "$p" = "" ];
echo "ERROR: That doesn't seem to be a running process. Please make sure your"
echo "application has been started and that you are using the correct"
echo "namespace argument."
adb shell run-as $1 kill $p
=== .gdbinit ===
This is an example .gdbinit that uses the symbols from a locally built rom and automatically attaches to gdbserver. Note that putting a ''.gdbinit'' file inside a directory will make gdb load it thus you will not pollute your regular gdb init with those configurations.
set solib-search-path /home/blassey/android/system/out/target/product/passion/symbols/system/bin:/home/blassey/android/system/out/target/product/passion/symbols/system/lib/:/home/blassey/src/ndk5-m-c/objdir-droid-dbg/dist/bin
set solib-absolute-prefix /home/blassey/android/system/out/target/product/passion/symbols/system/lib/
target remote localhost:12345
=== Rooting Android devices ===
See [[Mobile/Fennec/Android/Rooting|Rooting Android Devices]].
=== Sign a Fennec build ===
Nightly builds are available unsigned, so that you can sign them with your local debug key and install them on top of your own debug builds (without uninstalling and losing your profile). To sign and install the unsigned nightly build:
jarsigner -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -storepass android -keypass android gecko-unsigned-unaligned.apk androiddebugkey
zipalign -f -v 4 gecko-unsigned-unaligned.apk gecko-signed-aligned.apk
adb install -r gecko-signed-aligned.apk
Or you can also re-sign a signed build. If "fennec.apk" is signed already, this will remove the signature and replace it with your own. The result will be saved as "fennec-resigned.apk":
zip fennec.apk -d META-INF/*
jarsigner -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -storepass android -keypass android fennec.apk androiddebugkey
zipalign -f -v 4 fennec.apk fennec-resigned.apk
If you get this error when you try to sign a package:
jarsigner: unable to sign jar: invalid entry compressed size (expected 16716 but got 16964 bytes)
You should to follow some steps to complete your task:
* rename the .apk to .zip
* unzip the file in some folder
* remove the METAINF folder
* zip the remaining files
* change the name .zip to .apk
* sign again
To verify if everything is alright use the command
jarsigner -verbose -verify
=== Useful Addons ===
There are some addons which may be useful for development purposes. See [[Mobile/Fennec/Android/Development/Addons]].

Navigation menu