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Labs/Ubiquity/Ubiquity Source Tip Author Tutorial

164 bytes removed, 05:49, 25 September 2008
TinyURL: Network Calls and jQuery
name: "tinyurl",
takes: {"url to shorten": noun_arb_textnoun_type_url},
preview: "Replaces the selected URL with a TinyUrl.",
execute: function( urlToShorten ) {
Although I used the <code>noun_arb_text</code> command noun-type, I should have used the <code>noun_type_url</code>&mdash;if such a thing existed. It doesn't yet.
jQuery is a powerful tool. With it, you can fairly effortlessly cherry-pick the data you need from RSS feeds, XML, and all sorts of other data formats. It also makes doing in-preview animations a breeze.

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