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QA/Execution/Web Testing/Automation/Jenkins

418 bytes added, 09:24, 6 November 2015
Global Environment Variables
* '''PYTEST_ADDOPTS''' - Add py.test options to all jobs. The default is '''-r=fsxXR --verbose --tb=short'''.
* '''PYTEST_PROCESSES_MAC''' - Number of parallel py.test processes to use on Mac nodes.
* '''PYTEST_PROCESSES_SAUCE''' - Number of parallel py.test processes to use on [ Sauce LabsSauceLabs] jobs.
* '''PYTEST_PROCESSES_WINDOWS''' - Number of parallel py.test processes to use on Windows nodes.
* '''PYTEST_RERUNS''' - Number of times to rerun a failed test (used by [ pytest-rerunfailures]). The default is '''5'''.
* '''PYTEST_TIMEOUT''' - Timeout (in seconds) for each test (used by [ pytest-timeout]). The default is '''300''' (5 minutes).
* '''SAUCE_CAPABILITIES''' - Single capability to set for all desktop [ Sauce Sauc Labs] jobs.* '''SAUCE_CAPABILITIES_MOBILE''' - Single capability to set for all mobile [ Sauce LabsSauceLabs] jobs.* '''SAUCE_FIREFOX_VERSION_MAC''' - The default Firefox version to use for OS X [ Sauce LabsSauceLabs] jobs.* '''SAUCE_FIREFOX_VERSION_WINDOWS''' - The default Firefox version to use for Windows [ Sauce LabsSauceLabs] jobs.* '''SAUCE_MAC_VERSION''' - The default OS X version for [ Sauce LabsSauceLabs] jobs.* '''SAUCE_WINDOWS_VERSION''' - The default Windows version for [ Sauce LabsSauceLabs] jobs.* '''SAUCELABS_ANDROID_VERSION''' - The default Android version for [ SauceLabs] jobs.* '''SAUCELABS_APPIUM_VERSION''' - The default Appium version for [ SauceLabs] jobs.* '''SAUCELABS_SELENIUM_VERSION''' - The default Selenium version for [ SauceLabs] jobs.* '''SAUCELABS_USERNAME''' - The default username to use for [ SauceLabs] jobs.
* '''SELENIUM_HOST''' - The host running the remote Selenium server or hub. The default is ''''''.
* '''WEBQA_TIMEOUT''' - Timeout (in seconds) used by WebDriver for its own operations (page loads, etc). The default is '''60'''.

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