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162 bytes added, 10:18, 2 December 2015
Clarify which bits of MOSS are active now
Mozilla is a part of the Open Source and Free Software movement. We were born out of this movement. We prosper because of the technology and activism which comes from this movement. And we know that Open Source and Free Software remains a key part of the Internet and the online life we seek to build. We have had an ad-hoc grants program for many years. MOSS is a systematic way to provide a new level of support to this community.
The Mozilla Open Source Support program is designed to recognize and celebrate communities who are leading the way with open source projects that contribute to our work and the health of the Web. It encompasses will encompass both: a) a “give back” element for Open Source and Free Software projects that Mozilla relies on; and b) a “give forward” element for supporting other projects where financial resources from Mozilla can make our entire community more successful. We will identify crisp names for these elements as we go forward. Currently, only the "give back" element (a.k.a. "Projects Mozilla Relies On" - still looking for a name) is active, and the information below relates to that.
=="Projects Mozilla Relies On"==
Accountapprovers, antispam, confirm, emeritus

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