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ReleaseEngineering/How To/VCSSync

298 bytes added, 18:47, 8 June 2016
update status of log file during manual runs
* wait for projects.lock to disappear (from cron job)
* touch projects.lock # grab lock to avoid race with automation
** or: <code>touch my_user_name.lock; while ! ln my_user_name.lock projects.lock ; do sleep 10 ; done</code>
** wait for return of command prompt
* get the command line from the run_*.sh file: grep python run_*.sh
* add the '--no-check-incoming' option to the command
* wait for processing to complete
** '''NOTE''': the only log output is to your screen. The usual summary, "<code>projects.log</code>" is only updated via the <code>run_*</code> script.
* rm 'projects.lock' # let normal processing resume

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