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ReleaseEngineering/How To/VCSSync

1,213 bytes added, 20:04, 9 February 2017
Add section for creating a clone to a custom github org/project with a unique deploy key.
If the project isn't under hg.m.o/projects, add it [ here].
=== How to add a project cloning to a custom github account/project ===
* Key setup
** Generate an ssh key for pushing to the github project (no passphrase)
** Add the key to github/org-name/project-name as a deploy key
** Add the key to the vcs2vcs account on the vcssync server
* Add the project to mapper for hg to git hash mapping
** Login to
** POST to /mapper/project-name on
* Filesystem setup on the vcssync server
** Clone the source hg repo to /opt/vcs2vcs/vcs_sync_build/build/stage_source/
** Clone the hg repo from stage_source to conversion <pre>hg clone /opt/vcs2vcs/vcs_sync_build/build/stage_source/$PROJECT /opt/vcs2vcs/vcs_sync_build/build/conversion/$PROJECT
* Add to a vcs-sync configuration file. For example:
** Set the source location
** Set the destination org/project
* Monitor results and fix/tweak
** Join and watch the error emails in*!forum/releng-ops-trial
** Check the github project for the commits to appear
** Compare the github commits with the hg commits
=== How to add a locale to l10n conversion ===

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