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All Hands/SanFrancisco2017

No change in size, 17:41, 3 April 2017
Our standard travel guidelines apply (pre-populated in Egencia) when booking with a few additional budget constraints. Anything booked outside of them will require approval. Most people will arrive on Monday, June 26 and leave on Saturday, July 1. Here are some exceptions:
* If you live in a country where work travel is prohibited on weekends, you may travel on Friday, June 24 23 and Monday, July 3, if you’d prefer (not required). For hotel, you will book and pay on your own, and expense the manager approved amount (which is coded to your cost center).
* If you plan to spend some extra personal time in San Francisco (choosing to arrive before Monday, June 26 or depart after Saturday, July 1), you'll need to create an itinerary in Egencia for standard dates/locations within the San Francisco Portal and compare to the custom dates you'd like. Please share the difference via email or through the approval comment box when you submit the flight. You can sway up to +$100 over and Mozilla will cover it. Otherwise you'll need to come with an alternate itinerary that fits within the pricing (like a round trip in and out of SFO w/ longer dates, and you personally book & cover the rest). We do not have the ability for employees to reimburse Mozilla for any overage.
* If you are attending the Monday Core Influencer's event (by invite).

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