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CA/Additional Trust Changes

453 bytes added, 16:18, 6 April 2017
Clarify that the StartCom/WoSign restrictions have been implemented at the NSS code level, too. Fixed the links of StartCom/WoSign and ANSSI to specific revisions, so that they point to the correct functions.
The French Government CA is name-constrained to those ccTLDs whose geographies are under the jurisdiction of France - that is, .fr, .gp, .gf, .mq, .re, .yt, .pm, .bl, .mf, .wf, .pf, .nc, and .tf. The code for that [ l1595 is in NSS].
# CN=StartCom Certification Authority G2, OU=null, O=StartCom Ltd., C=IL
The code implementing this This restriction is has been implemented in both [ l740 in the Mozilla platform security code (PSM)], which is shared by the Mozilla applications (Firefox, Thunderbird, etc.), and in addition, [ in the NSS library code], which is used by applications that use the NSS certificate verification APIs.
# CN=CA WoSign ECC Root, OU=null, O=WoSign CA Limited, C=CN
The code implementing this This restriction is has been implemented in both [ l740 in the Mozilla platform security code (PSM)], which is shared by the Mozilla applications (Firefox, Thunderbird, etc.), and in addition, [ in the NSS library code], which is used by applications that use the NSS certificate verification APIs.

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