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All Hands/SanFrancisco2017

1,176 bytes added, 07:52, 12 April 2017
Dates, Location and Weather: add some Weather info since it will be surprising to many folks
''*For those countries where rest time is required on weekends (vs. work travel), Mozilla will cover a return on the next available work day, if you choose. This needs to pre-approved and pre-arranged.''
* National Weather Service: [ forecast in ⁰C], [ forecast in ⁰F]
* Temperatures *in downtown San Francisco* in late June are likely to have nighttime lows around 10-13 ⁰C / 50-56 ⁰F and daytime highs around 16-24 ⁰C / 61-75 ⁰F. But the weather is very occasionally warmer with highs around 27⁰C / 81⁰F.
* Weather in San Francisco in the summer is variable; it can become substantially cooler and foggier in the late afternoon; be prepared for temperatures to fall to 13⁰C / 56⁰F and the winds to pick up in the afternoon. Be prepared by carrying a warmer layer with you.
* Weather in other parts of the Bay Area can be much warmer than in San Francisco, even if you're only traveling 15km away. Look at the weather forecasts. It's entirely possible for it to be 19⁰C / 66⁰F in San Francisco and simultaneously be 32⁰C / 90⁰F in Orinda. But if you're right on the ocean, the air temperature is likely to match the water temperature, which is probably around 12⁰C / 54⁰F.
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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