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CA/Required or Recommended Practices

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== CA Recommended Practices ==
This page contains a draft set of recommended practices for CAs wishing to have their root CA certificates included in Mozilla products. In some cases these practices are specified or implied by the [ Mozilla CA certificate policyRoot Store Policy] and are mandatory for a CA to have its root certificate(s) included. In other cases the recommended practices are not mandatory per policy, but will help speed up a CA's application for inclusion and maximize the chances of its application being approved.
=== Publicly Available CP and CPS ===
This is mandatory.
CAs should supply the complete Certification Policy (CP) and Certification Practice Statement (CPS) containing sufficient information to determine whether and how the CA complies with the Mozilla policy requirements.
==== CP/CPS Documents will be Reviewed! ====
During the [[CA:How_to_apply#Public_discussion|public discussion phase]], your CP/CPS documentation will be reviewed and commented on in the [ forum]. Here are some examples of previous reviews of CP/CPS documents:
=== CA Hierarchy ===
 A hierarchical structure of a single root with intermediate certs (subroots) is preferred. The single top-level root's public certificate is supplied for Mozilla's root list; the subroots are not. See [[CA:Recommendations_for_Roots]].
CAs that issue certificates under multiple subordinate CAs (i.e., under a root CA whose CA certificate is being requested for inclusion) or under multiple CA hierarchies (i.e., rooted at multiple root CAs, one or more of whose certificates is being requested for inclusion) should provide additional information as noted:
=== Audit Criteria ===
 CAs should supply evidence of their being evaluated according to one or more of the criteria accepted as suitable per the Mozilla policy.This is mandatory. 
* The CA should indicate exactly which criteria they are being evaluated against (i.e., which of the criteria listed in the Mozilla policy).
* All documents supplied as evidence should be publicly available.
=== Document Handling of IDNs in CP/CPS ===
If a CA allows the use of internationalized domain names (IDNs) in certificates (e.g., as issued for SSL/TLS-enabled servers), the CA should address the issue of homographic spoofing of IDNs in their CP/CPS, even if primary responsibility for dealing with this issue falls on domain registries. (This doesn't mean that the CAs must prevent such spoofing. It merely means that a CA should describe how it handles the issue of spoofing when authenticating the owner of a domain.)
=== Revocation of Compromised Certificates ===
 CAs should revoke certificates with private keys that are known to be compromised, or for which verification of subscriber information is known to be invalid. This is mandatory.
=== Verifying Domain Name Ownership ===
We rely on public documentation and audits of those documented processes to ascertain that the requirements of section 7 of the Mozilla CA Certificate Policy are met.
We rely on public documentation and audits of those documented processes to ascertain that the requirements of the Mozilla Root Store Policy are met. Section 7 2.2.3 of the [ Mozilla CA Certificate Inclusion Root Store Policy] states: “for a certificate to be used for SSL-enabled servers, the CA takes reasonable measures to verify that the entity submitting the certificate signing request has registered the domain(s) referenced in the certificate or has been authorized by the domain registrant to act on the registrant's behalf"
The CA's public documentation needs to provide sufficient information describing the steps taken by the CA to confirm that the certificate subscriber owns/controls the domain name to be included in the certificate. For instance, if a challenge-response type of procedure is used, then there needs to be a brief description of the process. If public resources are used, then there should be a description of which public resources are used, what data is retrieved from public resources, and how that data is used to verify that the certificate subscriber owns/controls the domain name.
===== Baseline Requirements: =====
It is '''not''' sufficient to simply reference section 11.1.1 (section in BR version 1.3) of the [ CA/Brower Forum's Baseline Requirements (BR)]. The BRs list several ways in which the CA may confirm that the certificate subscriber owns/controls the domain name to be included in the certificate. Simply referencing section 11.1.1 (section in BR version 1.3) of the BRs does not specify which of those options the CA uses, and is insufficient for describing how the CA conforms to the BRs. Section 8.2.1 (section 2 in BR version 1.3) of the BRs says: "The CA SHALL develop, implement, enforce, and annually update a Certificate Policy and/or Certification Practice Statement that describes in detail how the CA implements the latest version of these Requirements."
===== WHOIS: =====
[ WHOIS] is used by some CAs as a source of information for checking
ownership/control of the domain name for SSL certificate applications. WHOIS information may be subject to compromise. CAs are responsible for implementing appropriate methods to reduce the risk of compromise. For example, direct command line, HTTPS to the original registrar, or correlating multiple sources. The CA should include information in their CP/CPS about the method that they use to validate the integrity of the data.
===== Email Challenge-Response: =====
Many CAs use an email challenge-response mechanism to verify that the SSL certificate subscriber owns/controls the domain to be included in the certificate. Some CAs allow applicants to select an address from a predetermined list to be used for this verification. See [[CA:Problematic_Practices#Email_Address_Prefixes_for_DV_Certs|Mozilla's restrictions on the set of verification addresses that may be used.]]
=== Verifying Email Address Control ===
We rely on public documentation and audits of those documented processes to ascertain that the requirements of section 7 of the Mozilla CA Certificate Policy are met.
We rely on public documentation and audits of those documented processes to ascertain that the requirements of the Mozilla Root Store Policy are met. Section 7 2.2.2 of the [ Mozilla CA Certificate Inclusion Root Store Policy] states: “for a certificate to be used for digitally signing and/or encrypting email messages, the CA takes reasonable measures to verify that the entity submitting the request controls the email account associated with the email address referenced in the certificate”
The CA's public documentation needs to provide sufficient information describing how the email address is verified to be owned/controlled by the certificate subscriber. For instance, if a challenge-response type of procedure is used, then there needs to be a brief description of the process. If public resources are used, then there should be a description of which public resources are used, what data is retrieved from public resources, and how that data is used to verify that the certificate subscriber owns/controls the email address.
It is not sufficient for the CP/CPS to just say that an email is sent to the customer. The CP/CPS needs to be clear that the RA sends email to the email address to be included in the certificate. The CP/CPS needs to be clear that the email shall contain some non-predictable information that the subscriber must then use or respond with to confirm that the owner of the email address actually received the email and responded.
=== Verifying Identity of Code Signing Certificate Subscriber ===
'''This section is no longer applicable.'''
* '''Mozilla has [ stopped accepting requests to enable the Code Signing trust bit].'''
We rely on public documentation and audits of those documented processes to ascertain that the requirements of section 7 of the Mozilla CA Certificate Policy are met.
Section 7 of the [ Mozilla CA Certificate Inclusion Policy] states: “for certificates to be used for digitally signing code objects, the CA takes reasonable measures to verify that the entity submitting the certificate signing request is the same entity referenced in the certificate or has been authorized by the entity referenced in the certificate to act on that entity's behalf; ”
There are various ways to confirm the certificate subscriber's identity and we don't dictate exactly how this should be done for non-EV certificates. However we must be clear that a minimum standard has been reached:
# The organizational information to be included in the cert had been verified.
# The identity of the individual (the person requesting the certificate) has been verified.
# If the request is on behalf of an organization, then the authority of the individual to make that request has been verified.
# The identity and organization validation are tied together so that there is reasonable assurance;
# Sufficient verification procedures are in place such that someone cannot submit forged or stolen documents and receive a certificate in his name (or that of a company).
The CA's public (and audited) documentation must provide sufficient information describing the process to permit us to form an opinion. The documentation needs to be clear about the checks that are performed to confirm the identity of the certificate subscriber as well as establish that the certificate subscriber is authorized by the organization to be referenced in the certificate.
If public resources are used, then there should be a description of the types of public resources that are used, what data is retrieved from public resources, and how that data is used for verification of the entity referenced in the certificate.
Verification procedures often include contacting the organization through an independent means to confirm that the certificate subscriber is authorized by the organization to request the certificate. If this is the case, then it should be stated. The documentation should include information such as how the company's contact information is obtained, the method for contacting the organization, the typical title/position of the person contacted at the organization, and what information they confirm. Note that if the CA issues certificates outside its national area, documentation will need to establish the same minimum standard outside borders.
'''Important:''' If the O in the Subject Field of the code signing certificate is not empty, then it should contain the subscriber's formal legal name that matches the name of the organization as per official government records in the subscriber's jurisdiction of its place of business. If an assumed name is used, the assumed name must be properly verified, and the legal name should also be included. For instance, the legal name may be appended in brackets.
=== DNS names go in SAN ===
** Required/Optional: '''Deprecated (Discouraged, but not prohibited)'''
** Contents: If present, this field MUST contain a single IP address or Fully-Qualified Domain Name that is one of the values contained in the Certificate’s subjectAltName extension (see Section 9.2.1 - or section in BR version 1.3).
=== Domain owned by a Natural Person ===
'''Proposal from Varga Viktor:''' ''the exception when a natural person owns a domain name is not handled in any RFC. Its right, that the DNS to the CN is a deprecated solution, but the usage of the DNS in CN field is still popular. The question, how to display a natural person in a certificate. In EV it is solved, because EV can be bought only by organisation. CN cant be used, and the O field means organisation, not Individual.''
If a domain name is owned by a natural person, then after successful validation of the parameters of the natural person, the SSL certificate should include information about the person in these fields:
* O = name of the person in the form as displayed in its ID
* OU = the string "natural person"
=== OCSP ===
Accountapprovers, antispam, confirm, emeritus

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