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CA/Required or Recommended Practices

124 bytes removed, 09:41, 5 May 2017
Split into Required and Recommended
== This page contains a set of practices for CAs wishing to have their root CA Recommended Practices ==certificates included in Mozilla products. In some cases these practices are required by the [ Mozilla Root Store Policy] and so are mandatory for a CA to have its root certificate(s) included. They are listed here because they are things CAs often get wrong. In other cases the practices are only recommended, but will help speed up a CA's application for inclusion and maximize the chances of its application being approved.
This page contains a set of recommended practices for CAs wishing to have their root CA certificates included in Mozilla products. In some cases these practices are specified or implied by the [ Mozilla Root Store Policy] and are mandatory for a CA to have its root certificate(s) included. In other cases the recommended practices are not mandatory per policy, but will help speed up a CA's application for inclusion and maximize the chances of its application being approved.== Required Practices ==
=== Publicly Available CP and CPS ===
This is mandatoryCAs must supply the complete Certification Policy (CP) and Certification Practice Statement (CPS) containing sufficient information to determine whether and how the CA complies with the Mozilla policy requirements.
CAs should supply the complete Certification Policy (CP) and Certification Practice Statement (CPS) containing sufficient information to determine whether and how the CA complies with the Mozilla policy requirements.* The CP/CPS should must be publicly available from the CA's official web site.* The format of the CP/CPS document should must be PDF or another suitable format for reading documents. CAs should ''not'' use Microsoft Word or other formats intended primarily for editable documents.* The CP/CPS should must be available in an English version. The non-English version may be authoritative (as that's the working language of the CA) but the CA is responsible for ensuring that the translation is not materially different from the authoritative version of the document.* The CA should must provide references to the CP/CPS sections (e.g., by section number and/or page number) that address the requirements of the Mozilla policy.
===== CP/CPS Documents will be Reviewed! =====
During the [[CA:How_to_apply#Public_discussion|public discussion phase]], your CP/CPS documentation will be reviewed and commented on in the [ forum]. Here are some examples of previous reviews of CP/CPS documents:
** KIR updated their CP/CPS according to the [ review feedback provided in their first discussion]
** Then had to update their CP/CPS again due to feedback in their second discussion.
=== CA Hierarchy ===
A hierarchical structure of a single root with intermediate certs (subroots) is preferred. The single top-level root's public certificate is supplied for Mozilla's root list; the subroots are not. See [[CA:Recommendations_for_Roots]].
CAs that issue certificates under multiple subordinate CAs (i.e., under a root CA whose CA certificate is being requested for inclusion) or under multiple CA hierarchies (i.e., rooted at multiple root CAs, one or more of whose certificates is being requested for inclusion) should provide additional information as noted:
* The CA should provide a graphical or textual description of the CA hierarchy or hierarchies, including which subordinates are under which root CAs
* The CA should indicate the general types of certificates (i.e., for SSL/TLS servers, email signing/encryption, and code signing) issued by each subordinate CA under each root.
* Where a CP/CPS applies to multiple subordinate CAs and/or multiple CA hierarchies, the CA should indicate whether particular sections of the CP/CPS apply to different subordinates and/or hierarchies and, if so, what the differences are.
We also recommend that CAs consider using separate root CA certificates with separate public keys (or separate intermediate CA certificates with separate public keys under a single root) when issuing certificates according to different Certificate Policies, so that we or others may selectively enable or disable acceptance of certificates issued according to a particular policy, or may otherwise treat such certificates differently (e.g., in our products' user interfaces).
=== Audit Criteria ===
CAs should must supply evidence of their being evaluated according to one or more of the criteria accepted as suitable per the Mozilla policy. This is mandatory.
* The CA should must indicate exactly which criteria they are being evaluated against (i.e., which of the criteria listed in the Mozilla policy).* All documents supplied as evidence should must be publicly available.
* Documents purporting to be from the CA's auditor (or other evaluator) should be available directly from the auditor (e.g., as documents downloadable from the auditor's web site).
=== Document Handling of IDNs in CP/CPS ===
If a CA allows the use of internationalized domain names (IDNs) in certificates (e.g., as issued for SSL/TLS-enabled servers), the CA should address the issue of homographic spoofing of IDNs in their CP/CPS, even if primary responsibility for dealing with this issue falls on domain registries. (This doesn't mean that the CAs must prevent such spoofing. It merely means that a CA should describe how it handles the issue of spoofing when authenticating the owner of a domain.)
=== Revocation of Compromised Certificates ===
CAs should must revoke certificates with private keys that are known to be compromised, or for which verification of subscriber information is known to be invalid. This is mandatory.
=== Verifying Domain Name Ownership ===
===== Baseline Requirements: =====
It is '''not''' sufficient to simply reference section 11.1.1 (section in BR version 1.3) of the [ CA/Brower Forum's Baseline Requirements (BR)]. The BRs list several ways in which the CA may confirm that the certificate subscriber owns/controls the domain name to be included in the certificate. Simply referencing section 11.1.1 (section in BR version 1.3) of the BRs does not specify which of those options the CA uses, and is insufficient for describing how the CA conforms to the BRs. Section 8.2.1 (section 2 in BR version 1.3) of the BRs says: "The CA SHALL develop, implement, enforce, and annually update a Certificate Policy and/or Certification Practice Statement that describes '''in detail ''' how the CA implements the latest version of these Requirements."
===== WHOIS: =====
[ WHOIS] is used by some CAs as a source of information for checking
* Ensure Intrusion Detection System and other monitoring software is up-to-date.
* Confirm the ability to shut down certificate issuance quickly if alerted of intrusion.
== Recommended Practices ==
=== CA Hierarchy ===
A hierarchical structure of a single root with intermediate certs (subroots) is preferred. The single top-level root's public certificate is supplied for Mozilla's root list; the subroots are not. See [[CA:Recommendations_for_Roots]].
CAs that issue certificates under multiple subordinate CAs (i.e., under a root CA whose CA certificate is being requested for inclusion) or under multiple CA hierarchies (i.e., rooted at multiple root CAs, one or more of whose certificates is being requested for inclusion) should provide additional information as noted:
* The CA should provide a graphical or textual description of the CA hierarchy or hierarchies, including which subordinates are under which root CAs
* The CA should indicate the general types of certificates (i.e., for SSL/TLS servers, email signing/encryption, and code signing) issued by each subordinate CA under each root.
* Where a CP/CPS applies to multiple subordinate CAs and/or multiple CA hierarchies, the CA should indicate whether particular sections of the CP/CPS apply to different subordinates and/or hierarchies and, if so, what the differences are.
We also recommend that CAs consider using separate root CA certificates with separate public keys (or separate intermediate CA certificates with separate public keys under a single root) when issuing certificates according to different Certificate Policies, so that we or others may selectively enable or disable acceptance of certificates issued according to a particular policy, or may otherwise treat such certificates differently (e.g., in our products' user interfaces).
=== Document Handling of IDNs in CP/CPS ===
If a CA allows the use of internationalized domain names (IDNs) in certificates (e.g., as issued for SSL/TLS-enabled servers), the CA should address the issue of homographic spoofing of IDNs in their CP/CPS, even if primary responsibility for dealing with this issue falls on domain registries. (This doesn't mean that the CAs must prevent such spoofing. It merely means that a CA should describe how it handles the issue of spoofing when authenticating the owner of a domain.)
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