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78 bytes added, 19:45, 8 August 2017
Firewall Wrapper Module
= Firewall Wrapper Module =
This is a wrapper around the `firewall` and 'pf' module. It provides transparency for writing firewall rules that may be interchangeable between both OSX and Linux<br />
The fw module uses a 'Roles & Profiles' framework for managing and applying firewall rules in a simple and easy way. A role is made up of individual rules grouped together on a source/application basis. Profiles are A Profile is a collection of roleswhich is applied to a host or group of hosts.<br /><br />
=== Defining ports and protocols for applications ===
'https' => { proto => 'tcp', port => '443' },
'puppet' => { proto => 'tcp', port => '8140' },
Valid protocols are:
* tcp
* udp
=== Defining hosts and networks ===

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