* newsgroup: mozilla.governance
* scope: project-wide
* governing policy document: http://www.mozilla.org/hacking/incubator-repository.html
* responsibilities: Policies and process for how we distribute authority and govern ourselves; including:
** Development and Implementation of new policies as appropriate for delegation of authority and responsibility
** Resolving conflicts among module owners
===Governance Submodule: Incubator Repositories===
[Note all info in this submodule is draft as of Nov 22 2008 -- see .governance newsgroup
* owner: TBD
* peers:
*newsgroup: mozilla.governance
* scope: project-wide
* responsibilities: Implementing the Incubator Repository Policy including topics such as:
** Evaluating requests for new incubator repositories
** Determining if an incubatory repository may live longer than six months
** Other issues that come up in the operation of incubator repositories
==Planet Mozilla Module==