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CA/Required or Recommended Practices

824 bytes added, 14:45, 10 October 2017
Add Pre-Issuance Linting
Root certificates in Mozilla's program can have either the SSL trust bit set, or the Email trust bit, or both. If only one of those bits is set, relying software will trust certificates in that hierarchy for only that purpose. Nevertheless, it is a best practice for the immediately-issuing intermediate certificate to also contain EKU constraints of either id-kp-serverAuth or id-kp-emailProtection as appropriate, such that if the trust status of the root ever changes (or is not enforced for some reason), the end-entity certificates are still appropriately constrained.
=== Pre-Issuance Linting ===
Recently, several tools have been developed ([ certlint/cablint], [ x509lint], [ zlint]) which can check a tbsCertificate (To Be Signed Certificate - the certificate complete except for the signature) for a large number of standards violations (BRs, RFCs etc.). It is strongly recommended that CAs integrate such tools into their issuance pipelines such that issuance is, minimally, held up for manual review if an error or warning is found. Because BR or RFC violations are generally considered by Mozilla to be misissuance, such integration will reduce the number of misissuance events a CA experiences, if earlier parts of their pipeline fail in their job of keeping certificates compliant.
Accountapprovers, antispam, confirm, emeritus

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