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Firefox/Shield/Shield Studies

77 bytes removed, 22:03, 29 January 2018
Shield Studies FAQ: cleanup of faq
= Shield Studies FAQ =
==== How Do I Request/Make Who Approves a Shield Study before it ships? ====Add-on based Shield Studies must be approved by:
[ Documentation on * A Firefox Peer* QA* Release Management* A Data Steward* A member of the entire process of building and launching a core Shield Study (including a sample timeline)]Team
==== Who Approves a Shield Study before it ships? ====Shield Studies Preference Experiments must be approved by :
* A Firefox Product Manager
* QA
* Release Management
Additional approvals may be required by:
* Data StewardA Firefox Executive
* Legal
* Others
You can find detailed specifics ==== Where Are Approvals Tracked? ====All approvals must be made explicitly by the signers above in the link above. Most of these reviews are pro forma and straightforwardlaunch bug.
==== What data do Shield Studies normally collect? ====

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