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424 bytes added, 16:17, 3 December 2008
* All screencasts must be stored on our server to ensure we control the content. If screencasts are stored externally, people might replace an existing screencast with offensive/illegal content.
* When Never overwrite existing files -- For security, when uploading a screencast with the same name as an existing screencast, the old file should not be overwritten. Need some unique hash to ensure that all file names are unique.* Because Naturally because of SUMO's review system, a screencast will always show up on the staging article first, allowing reviewers to approve the content before it's shown to our users. Note: this is not a requirement, just an explanation of how we're protected against malicious content.
* It should be possible for contributors to upload an .ogg version of an existing screencast that only has a .swf file.
** Need to figure out how the new .ogg file can be inserted to the article(s) that is using the screencast. Do we need a db that stores which articles are using which screencasts? -- TBD(djst/laura)** Also need to ensure the complimenting .ogg file is not malicious and that it's indeed just a converted copy of the .swf file. Maybe we only allow trusted contributors to upload complimenting .ogg files of existing screencasts? -- TBD (djst/laura)

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