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3,067 bytes removed, 16:45, 7 March 2019
Updated everything.
== Overview ==
Mozilla has decided to focus on [ ‘better machine decision making’] as an [ ‘impact goal’] that will inform internet health fellowships, campaigns and thought leadership work in the internet health movement over the coming years.
This wiki is meant to house Mozilla's up-to-date thinking and will be regularly updated. What follows is a list of the key documents that inform this thinking as well as the why, what and how of following through on it.
==Project documentationManagement == === Project Documents ===
These documents provide the underlying thinking about better machine decision making as a core issue and maps activities in 2019 that will track against this issue.
* [ 2019 current and planned activities] (February 2019)
=Posts and articles== OKR Monthly Call Notes ===As a part of this workBeginning March, Mozilla has been sharing thinking as it develops -- through blogs and in the media. Others are invited to share their perspectives on this issue as well. 2019
* Orlando 2018 All Hands Talks: [ ‘better machine decision making'] * CNN Article: [ "How to keep AI from turning into the Terminator"]* Blog post: [ "Improving Internet Health: What (and How) Can We Win Together?"] == Upcoming Dates ===* Initial Blog Post: [ "Slowing Down, Asking Questions, Looking Ahead"]TBD
== Active Projects ==
Some examples of activities in this space include:
You can read more about these projects and more [ here].
==== Project Expo ====To be developed in conjunction with our staff engagement plan. ==== Open Collaboration ==== More to come on this section in March  == Media ==As a part of this work, Mozilla has been sharing thinking as it develops -- through blogs and in the media. Others are invited to share their perspectives on this issue as well.  * Blog post: [ "Mozilla, AI & Internet Health, an update]* Orlando 2018 All Hands Talks: [ ‘better machine decision making'] * CNN Article: [ "How to keep AI from turning into the Terminator"]* Blog post: [ "Improving Internet Health: What (and How) Can We Win Together?"] * Initial Blog Post: [ "Slowing Down, Asking Questions, Looking Ahead"] == Process and project management ==
These documents are process based and help share the story of how Mozilla got to this goal and why.
Sub things might be:
- how we got to this focus
- impact goal 2019 project timeline
Artificial intelligence (AI) has long occupied an outsized role in our collective imagination, in everything from pulp science fiction novels to James Cameron blockbusters. Perhaps humankind is moving toward an oppressive artificial superintelligence. In the meantime, artificial intelligence is already woven into our everyday lives. It provides us with things we love and need, from productivity advice to movie recommendations. Yet, when we don't carefully consider its impact on our democracies, our justice systems and our well-being, we open ourselves up to real risks.
Mozilla seeks to be a part of this careful consideration. The last three years have been about creating a solid foundation of work - defining the internet health frame, clear program offerings, and an effective planning/execution process. With that work nearing completion, it is time to point Mozilla's resources at answering the question, "What concrete improvements to the health of the internet do we want to make over the next 3-5 years?"
Based on extensive engagement with staff, allies, experts and the board, it has been decided that ‘better machine decision making’ is the area to focus on. This goal was chosen because of the belief that it can:
* Leverage the ‘agenda setting’ influence by asking tough questions about AI and adding nuance and specificity to the public debate.
* Focus work in an area of further impact, leveraging the work started across all program areas over the past three years.
* Increase the number and quality of collaborations across Mozilla and the internet health movement by helping define specific areas to work with others to have impact.
* Help reach more people through messages and calls to action by increasing the clarity, specificity and relevance of the messages.
* Offer clear milestones and outputs to measure and report out on progress against the intended impact along the way.
In the first phase, we explored a wide range of potential impact goals through staff engagement, external interviews and board discussions. Further information on Phase One is available below and through the key documents links.
Phase two of the impact project is designed to drive towards more specificity around the work and outcomes we’ll take on in pursuit of this goal.
The goals of phase two are as follows:
* Build on efforts already underway by staff and partners within the internet health movement.
* Clearly define the kind of impact we want to have over the coming years with a compelling sketch in early Q1 and an updated theory of change in Q2.
* Refine the language around ‘better machine decision making,’ crafting a compelling, specific vision of an alternative, positive future.
* Identify key partners and allies to work with on this topic, and start to define shared outcomes and projects that we can pursue together in H2.
* Provide the raw material for initial public messaging about ‘better machine decision making,’with the aim of communicating on this issue starting in Q1.
We will go after these goals in an open and collaborative manner, engaging staff, allies, partners and supporters as we define the issues we’ll focus on over the coming years -- and, of course looking for ways to advance the work together as we put this focus into action.
==== Open Collaboration ====
More to come on this section in March
===== Q3 2018 =====

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