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72 bytes added, 16:29, 18 April 2019
ToC short blurb
* [ List of all MoFo 2019 OKRs] - live tracking of Mozilla Foundation's 2019 objectives and key results
* [ 2019 OKR Spreadsheet] - overview of the organizational and team objectives and key results for 2019
* Theory of Change - update coming in late March
''Upcoming Dates''
March 28 - Impact Goal Office Hours ([[Agenda|Agenda]])
April 5 - MoFo FLEX Call for learning project proposals closes
April 8 - MoFo FLEX Call for for contributors officially opens: contribute to a learning project
April 8 - Call for Fellows closes
Friday April 19 - FLEX learning projects are up and running!
MoFo FLEX (Free-form Learning & EXploration) -- is an open and decentralized learning program, to support the work of the Foundation and the internet health movement. At its core is staff-led, self-directed and group learning projects, which might range from hosting a book club or study group, to leading a speaker series, to creating a comic or writing a blog post, and anything in between. [ Learn more about it here.]
''Open CollaborationTheory of Change'' The Theory of Change update will enable Mozilla & our allies to take both coordinated and decentralized action in a shared direction, towards collective impact on better machine decision making (AI).
More It will define:* Tangible changes in the world we and others will pursue (aka long term outcomes)* Strategies that we and others might use to pursue these outcomes* Results we will hold ourselves accountable to come on this section in March
= What We're Writing =
You can read more about the background for this project [ here].
Sub things might be:- how we got to this focus[|Agenda Impact Goal Office Hours]
= Timeline =

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