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No change in size, 04:51, 10 September 2019
Instead of using live web pages for performance testing, Raptor uses a tool called [ Mitmproxy]. Mitmproxy allows us to record a live web page and save it as a playback archive. Then during the Raptor pageload test (i.e. raptor-tp6) we use Mitmproxy's 'mitmdump' tool to playback the archive through a local proxy. Raptor automatically configures Firefox to use the proxy, and when the test browses to the test page URL, it loads the page from the Mitmproxy playback archive.
For more information about Mitmproxy installation, etc. see the [ documentation]. Mitmproxy is an open source tool and the source is [ found here on githubGitHub].
==== Test Page Recordings ====

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