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4,591 bytes added, 11:30, 25 November 2019
adding notes from previous brainstorming sessions
* AWS, Google, FB: quarterly report on cloud service providers
* Green host
* Team up with Green Web Foundation and use their database of green hosting
== Cache, routing and decentralized protocols ==
* Scripts to modify social sites
* Static site CMS
* Implement and advance carbon.txt
* Devtools for showing CO2 usage
* Better tooling for people who develop Firefox
* Better tooling for web developers
* Tools to give visibility to energy consumption, green web hosting
=== Developer relations and documentation ==
* MDN section on how to build lighter websites.
* Sustainable web design as an industry standard
* “Greener Javascript”
* Blog posts, Talks, Standards, Libraries?
* Libraries that help promote green development
* Coalition building with existing libraries to reduce their footprints
* A series of blog post: Front-end frameworks based on how much energy they use
* “The true cost of code…”
* Help people set up websites on renewable power
* Use android components as a 3Rs - reuse, repurpose, refuse
* Tech Speakers as advocates for the green web
* Incorporate green practices in MDN
* Check website's carbon print and optimise:
== Browsing ==
* Internet minimalism: static sites
* Lazy loading
* Tab sleeper
* Processor lock
* Time sessions in browser
* Greenbeam!
* Biking browser
* Reduce idle wakeups in Firefox, limit idle wakeups in websites as much as possible
* Experiment with lower frame rate
* Stop websites from network polling
* Promote Offline mode & make it better
* Develop a reader mode only
* FF Focus for desktop
* Privacy mode reframed/cross-promoted as eco mode
* Suggest “stop browsing” after long sessions
* Blocklist third parties that are known as environmentally unfriendly (or use Tracking Protection in Eco Mode)
* All images are dithered
* “Trustmark” Icon (similar to ublock or other awareness tools) with info about resources being used (could also point people to partner sites to create awareness)
* Add-on monitors emissions & displays results
=== Tabs ===
* Tab sleeper
* Throttle BG tabs more.
* Pause BG tabs
* Suspend everything not in the foreground (“just this tab”)
== Media ==
* HTML4: media mode override
* Hide images and styles
* Stop autoplay on Youtube. Reference:
* Stop autoplay videos everywhere (particularly news sites where the user came for text content).
== Ad block ==
* New tab eco advice checklist
* Make Amazon black and white to reduce appeal
* Make about:performance better and more visible
* New primary UI for energy usage (tabs turn red)
* “Energy report” similar to protections report that highlights energy wasting resources/websites
* See performance data per tab
* User set threshold to limit CO2
* Warning that user is entering a “heavy” website
* “Wilting tree visualisation” for eco-unfriendly behaviour
* Carbon beam. Lightbeam for carbon consumption of browsing session.
* Visualise my XX years computer’s lifetime until it’s too slow (perceived performance)
* Print view for energy saving
* All in one page per default
* Display average carbon emissions of regularly visited websites
* Time Well Spent: connect eco-mode to more user control over internet usage patterns
== Search ==
* Estimate and display Co2 output for search
* Partner with Ecosia etc. as default search engine (in Eco Mode)
== Professional education and practices ==
* education and developer skills
* Web console hints for devs re energy consumption
* Sustainability engineering as a job category + team, design principles like accessibility
== Organizational choices ==
* Move to renewable energy for all our cloud resources (AWS, CI, Release Engineering, Web Hosting, etc.)
=== Organizational travel policies ===
* Employees get an extra day for slow travel
* Travel budget includes CO2
* CO2 Budget for offsets
* Policies to support train travel, car pooling, remote participation
* Targets to reduce flights
=== Organizational office policies ===
* Use green-certified office buildings
* Plastic free offices (including cups!)
* Sparkling/Still water taps
* 100% solar/renewable power of building
* AC/heating improvements
* Cloth towels in the restrooms and kitchens
== Certifications and audits ==
* Reminders: environmental voice assistant reminders
* Ecological trips for browser user
* Promote eco-friendly partners, e.g. Ecosia or Stripe
* Promote content/ads from environmental research & charities
== Advocacy ==
* Conscious Consumers: eco-mode offer partnerships
* Users as a constituency: eco-mode unionization
* Tech companies required to submit machine-readable Sustainability Transparency Reports* Invest in carbon capture and storage* Commission research to determine the internet’s main carbon contributors (UI, Spam email, video streaming, electronics, etc.)* Identify wasteful standards/ processes and lobby against them* “Green Snopes” - fight misinformation. Campaigns to combat misinfo for climate denial along the lines of our Youtube recommendation transparency campaign* Promote greener Internet/Web standards for W3C and other standards bodies* Pressure data centers like AWS that run on fossil fuels, such as letters from customers asking for them to deliver on their 100% renewables promise
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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