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574 bytes added, 12:17, 2 January 2020
Top Ideas (to date): edited for clarity
It’s a living document, what flies and what doesn’t will change as we keep iterating and learning about what’s possible and desirable for greater environmental sustainability on the internet.
=== Make Sustainability Engineering as a career pathway === * Sustainability engineering needs to should be an recognized professional specialization as well as a skill integrated across the engineering field.
* Similar to accessibility in web development, sustainability should be foundational in any developer's practice. See:
* This means incorporating sustainability Sustainability engineering should be incorporated into computer science courses and , educational programs as well as upskilling existing developers in this area, on the job training.
=== Budget for 1 planet Carbon accountability === * Learn to count carbon.* Ensure your budgets account for carbon costs as well as financial ones. Remember that climate inaction is also a cost.
* Encourage and teach others to set carbon budgets.
* Publish carbon calculations and sustainability reports in machine-readable formats.* Use the Platform, Packets and Process to categorize carbon costs for digital projects. === Get the magnitudes right === * It's not always intuitive what changes will result in the most environmental gains.
* Quantify and openly publish tests and measurements about the carbon footprint of your digital work. Compare that carbon cost of other activities, like flying or running a load of laundry. This helps build a better understanding of how "expensive" internet-related activities are.
* What is most effective depends on your context, and to win, we need to at least have an idea of what is effective to the nearest magnitude.
*, but for carbon.
* Consider rebound effects.
=== Change the Aesthetic ===
* What is desirable in one era can seem outdated and undesirable years later when societal norms change. We should design and code for a new sensibility, one that is irresistibly sustainable.
* Like it or not, Think of tech is as a fashion-driven industry. Make the transition irresistible, and the everyday injustices outrageous.
=== Ask the Right Questions Employee Action === * We need Jobs may change, but we only have one planet. There are a Joel test for Climate. A set lot of yes/no questions to employees and prospective hires can ask when finding your next job, that show if an org is taking the climate crisis seriously.(and do): ** For example: "Does this company collaborate with the fossil fuel industry?"** is Is there a public commitment to net zero emissions?** is Is there a public timeline to reach net zero emissions?** are Are there a public independent audit audits of progress on the way?** is Is there disclosure of how much biz comes revenue or business partnerships come from projects to help extract fossil fuels?
=== Use equity for equity ===
* Divest your pension.
=== Serve Time to serve the planet === * Like Make time to contribute to climate action. * Many organizations support the model of 20% time, meaning that you have some hours during your work week to explore something that you care about. Other models include dedicating a national serviceday a week, or a tour in something like Fridays, to commit to working on this. Whatever the Peace Corpmodel that suits you, but without it's about prioritizing the problematic colonial bitsissue by putting your time to it. Because climate is a planetary problem* Develop organisational, local, that we solve en massnational, not by relying on single heroic figures. Frame it accordinglyor regional programmes like a civil service for environmental sustainability.
=== Fight denial ===
* Develop information recommendation algorithms in a way that favor science-based information.
* Optimise for truth, not clicks.
=== Extend the lifecycle of electronics ===
* Hardware and electronics that are connected to and power the internet are also extremely expensive for the planet. Most electronics, such as mobile phones, have a very short lifespan. Advocate for extending their usage.
* Advocate for the right to repair, the design and development of more modular and easily repaired electronics, the skills and support systems to repair, e-waste re-purposing and recycling, and better organizational policies to use hardware for longer.
== Meta mindsets ==

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