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138 bytes removed, 18:22, 5 February 2020
2020 OKRs: test 2
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!!|+|1. Thought leadership
| Clear "Trustworthy AI" guidelines emerge, leading to new and widely accepted industry norms.
|} Thought leadership Short term outcomes(1 - 3 years) Clear "Trustworthy AI" guidelines emerge, leading to new and widely accepted industry norms. Narrative |In a world awash in AI ethics guidelines, charters and manifestos, more and more people are asking: how do we turn all this talk into action?
In 2019, Mozilla focused on a) identifying actionable trustworthy AI patterns across a wide variety of guidelines plus the Mozilla Manifesto and b) mapped out these patterns plus a set of concrete technical, advocacy and policy steps that could be taken to make trustworthy AI a reality. In 2020, we will share the output of this work, map the work already underway that aligns with the Theory of Change and support the work of people who are taking action in the areas we describe in our research.
We will model moving from concept to action ourselves by collaborating with others on concrete actions related to the short-term outcomes in the Theory of Change. ‘Concrete action’ is work that will result in outputs that enable others to build and innovate including code, data, curriculum, law, litigation or other real world activity. The work will not only allow us to move from talk to action -- it will also provide feedback and learning that will let us hone the thinking in the theory of change and related research so it can be used more widely.
|+  |2020objective| Test out our theory of change in ways that both give momentum to other orgs taking concrete action on trustworthy AI and establish Mozilla as a credible thought leader. |+|2020key results |Publish a white paper and landscape analysis that elaborate our theory of change and show who is working on key elements (H1)
X# people and organizations map their work against the landscape analysis and offer feedback on theory of change
25 collaborations with partners working on concrete projects that align with short term outcomes in the theory of change
|+   |Activities    | White paper analysis 0.9 produced in collaboration with MoCo, disseminated to key stakeholders and feedback gathered through individual and group sessions
Draft landscape analysis of trustworthy AI field (host org landscape analysis feeds in)
Develop process to identify, monitor and nurture collaborations
Develop conference strategy and other comms to support feedback on ToC
Translate landscape into analysis for collateral to share with current & prospective donors
Data stewardship

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