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Release Management

196 bytes removed, 13:53, 28 May 2020
some updates
* Team distribution list: release-mgmt at mozilla dot com
;IRCMatrix* [irc #release-drivers] - Firefox Desktop and Android release drivers. Good way to contact release managers, ask questions, escalate issues.
* [ Release Management Blog]
* [ Release Coordination Vidyo Link]
* Channel Meeting
**This meeting takes place twice a week on Tuesdays 10am Pacific time (18h UTC) and Thursdays at 8am Pacific time (16h UTC) in the [ Release Coordination] Vidyo Room
** [ Channel Meeting Wiki Archive]
* Release Post Mortem
**This meetings happens at the Tuesday Channel Meeting two weeks after a release
** [{{Version/Gecko/release/current}}.0 Postmortem Schedule & Agenda]
* [https://ship-itshipit.mozilla-releng.orgnet/ Ship-it UI] - [ Mozilla VPN]* [ Balrog admin UI] - requires VPN
* [[Release_Management/Product_details|Product-Details]], a public JSON API about Firefox and Thunderbird releases
* [[Release_Management/Onboarding|Onboarding]]

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