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CA/Changing Trust Settings

176 bytes added, 20:40, 24 May 2022
Listing All Non-Default Root Certificate Settings: include the 'sql:' part required for newer Mozilla products which have a cert9.db in SQLite format
Run this command (doing it while the Mozilla application is running is probably unsupported but does not seem to cause problems in practice):
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash"># for older Mozilla products, leave off the 'sql:' partcertutil -d ''sql:PROFILE_DIR'' -L</syntaxhighlight> where <tt>PROFILE_DIR</tt> is the path to your profile as noted above.
Root certificates will have trust fields of <code>c</code>, indicating a disabled trust bit, or <code>CT</code> or <code>C</code>, indicating an enabled trust bit. For example:

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