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281 bytes added, 15:34, 19 August 2022
Resolutions: Extend the description of "incomplete" to include the scenario of "bug might be valid but its testcases have disappeared, or were never provided" scenario (which is one way we use this resolution, in practice)
: b) the bug was present once, but is now not reproducible (and so was probably fixed in another bug.)
: a) The problem is vaguely described with no steps to reproduce, or is a support request. The reporter should be directed to the product's support page for help diagnosing the issue. If there are only a few comments in the bug, it may be reopened only if the original reporter provides more info, or confirms someone else's steps to reproduce. If the bug is long, when enough info is provided a new bug should be filed and the original bug marked as a duplicate of it. Or:: b) There may have been a valid bug, but we don't have enough information at this point to tell whether the bug is still present or not (e.g. because the only testcase was external-to-Bugzilla and has now disappeared, or because a reproducing testcase was never provided).

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