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Release Management

560 bytes removed, 09:44, 13 October 2022
Minor clean up
= Contribute =
There are many ways to help the release management team. Help with tracked bugs, triage crashes, report regressions that affect Firefox on pre-releasechannels or hack on the tools our team develops and maintains.
Developers and anyone in the community can help by proposing bugs for tracking, using the tracking flags in
The relman team maintains several tools. You can help by fixing bugs!
* Our [ automatic nag tool] to send email to Firefox developers about their bugs
* [ ship-it] - interface to start builds of Firefox, Firefox for Android and Thunderbird
* Google Play scripts to [ upload the APK and manage translations]
= Team info =
* [ @MozillaReleases] Release Management team communication channel
* [ @FirefoxNightly] Firefox Nightly communication and feedback channel* [ @FirefoxBeta] Firefox Beta communication and feedback channel
* [ Delivery Dashboard]
* [ Mission Control]
* [[Release_Management/Review_Fixes_Worth_Uplifting|Review important bug fixes landed in Nightly for uplift to Beta, ESR]]
* [ Release channel Blockers and Regressions]
* [ Stability dashboard]
* [ Stability deep-dive scripts]
* [ Dashboard the Cat] - she likes to eat headphones
* [ Firefox Trains & Release Insights] - Firefox Trains dashboard, overview of past and future releases (milestones, key numbers)
* [ Popular Queries] - A collection of Bugzilla and Socorro queries used daily by release managers

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