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433 bytes added, 16 June
status meeting notes
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* Further Read: [[SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/Basics|Basics]]
* Participants (in order of appearance):IanN njsg WG9s CaptainTobin rsx11m frg
== Agenda ==
* Who's taking minutes? -> '''TBDfrg'''
* Nominees for Friends of the Fish Tank:
** '''TBDfrg for being the meetings minutes man'''
=== Action Items ===
** We have mno plans to move 2.53 development to git. Mercurial suites us well.
** gitlab source is used for releases and holding the patches queues only.
* We might need our own add-on site later.
** '''Tobin''' is evaluation options for such a site.
<!-- Comment out this section if nothing new fixed
** A cross reference is available at [ Cross-Reference seamonkey-2.53].
* Building stylo and webrender is currently broken but disabled by default.
* We will use Rust 1.61+ is needed for building. We recommend 1.73.0for all or builds for the forseeable future.** Rust 1.74 and up will not be used dropped support for building official releases as of now because macOS 10.11 which we still support macOS 10.11** Rust 1.78 dropped support for Windows 7 and 8.1. It added a tier 3 compile target for these versions but is currently more or less unsupported and untested.** If you want to build with Rust 1.78 or higher you need the patch in {{Bug|1896958}} to remove the packed_simd crate.
* 2.53.17b1 and up no longer need Python 2 for building. There is still some breakage in test code and other areas because of this.
* Building with Rust 1.78 is currently broken under Linux. Tke packed_simd crate needs to be updated. We will address this as fast as possible but still recommend 1.73.0 for building.
** Unlike the 2.53 comm and mozilla repros we do not need to do backparts and can always update to the latest translations and just tag releases.
** The l10n translations for the next release will be kept in the patch queue until it tagged for building and it s branch for the regluar fixes has been checked in.
** '''frg''' tries to add support for later javascript syntax features in a separate wip patch queue. Progressing nicely and at the start of middle 67a1 now.
** dynamic imports are already working
** Builds from this branch are not very usable right now becusase the preliminary support for optional chaning chaining and regexp needed to be removed for a full rebase later.
*** Missing support for dynamic import, big int and private class fields are the top issues which need to be addressed.
* See {{Bug|1688498}} for important current 2.53 issues and enhancement requests.
** While the source has been updated extensively it is mostly groundwork which we would like to get out for broader testing.
** Please help test the prerelease versions too.
** It is a bit delayed
* '''SeaMonkey was released''' on March 28th, 2024.
** This is mostly a security only release.

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