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1,486 bytes added, 09:42, 30 January 2009
itemExists / changeItemId / getAllIds / wipe
return record;
=== itemExists (guid) === Should simply return <tt>true</tt> if an item with the given guid exists in the store, <tt>false</ tt> otherwise. === changeItemId (oldId, newId) === Must find the stored item currently associated with the guid <tt>oldId</tt> and change it to be associated with the guid <tt>newId</ tt>. === getAllIds () === Must return an iterable list containing the GUIDs of every item being stored on the local system. This can be a dictionary-type object where the keys are the GUIDs and the values are whatever; or it can simply be a list of GUIDs. === createMetaRecords(guid, items) === Unlike the other methods here, this one needs to be implemented only if your data store is a hierarchy (like bookmarks) as opposed to a simple list (like history or tabs). If your data store is a hierarchy, you need to manually maintain the depth attribute on each one. If depth and/ or depthindex are used, then <tt>createMetaRecords()</tt> should return all objects potentially affected by change of guid, in short form (no full content, only id, depth, sortindex). [TODO: explain this better!] === wipe () === When this method is called, your Store needs to completely wipe all of its stored data from the local application. That doesn't mean just whatever caches of the data the Store happens to be maintaining; it means the underlying data itself. For instance, <tt>BookmarkStore.wipe()</tt> deletes all bookmarks from the current Firefox profile. How to do this for your particular data type is up to you to figure out.
=== Create / Update / Remove ===

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