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Powered by Mozilla:Survey

86 bytes removed, 10:28, 6 February 2009
1) What is the name and purpose of the application? Please fill out this part of give a URL if the survey once for each Mozilla-based application you have been involved in developingis publicly available.
What is the name and purpose of the application? Please give a URL if the application is publicly available. 2) Which Mozilla technologies does the application use?
* Gecko
* Necko
* Other: ____
3) What did you use these technologies for, and why did you choose them?
Please complete the following section if your application uses XUL.
1) Why did you choose XUL?
2) Why was HTML insufficient for your needs?
3) If we added specific features of XUL to HTML, would you use HTML instead? e.g.:
* Specific UI controls easily available
* Templates
* Native Look and Feel
4) How do you control the version of Mozilla your users view your app with?
5) Do you have concerns about the future stability of XUL?
Please complete the following section if your application uses XULRunner.
1) If you use XULRunner, do you build it yourself, or use existing binaries?
* Build it
* Use existing binaries
2) If you build it yourself, do you patch it locally?
* Yes
* No
3) If you patch it, how many patches do you apply? If they haven't been submitted upstream yet, what is stopping you?
==Community Involvement==

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