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458 bytes added, 09:22, 25 February 2009
Other comments: IMO not a good idea
** [The primarily tie is the suggestion that apps open /etc/pki/nssdb, and the expectation that the OS will supply appropriate code so that a user specific database will be opened when one opened /etc/pki/nssdb. It's true that any OS can implement this proposal. Some OS's may chose a different path for /etc/pki/nssdb [Windows will certainly have to, Mac probably would as well, though they wouldn't need to]. The purpose was to nail down the exact specifics for Linux, and thus the title I initially gave it.]
* in the old dbm days, secmod.db was combined in the softoken PKCS #11 module primarily because that's where the dbm code was. With the sql database, it's possible to separate the moduleDB load from softoken. That might be a good plan for 3.13, removing yet more code from the cryptographic boundary of NSS.
* IMO, hardcoding magic behavior like this (open two locations when only one path was passed into the API) is a mistake. It's obvious that /etc/pki/nssdb is "special" and the API ought to highlight this fact. There should be a distinct API call for initializing the system default location, separate from the call for accessing a user-specified configuration, and every app/caller that needs instance-specific configuration should explicitly call both APIs.

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