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Firefox/Projects/Network Error Pages

738 bytes added, 01:26, 27 February 2009
no edit summary
[[Image:Picture_13.png|Firefox error page after a dnsNotFound error.]]
= Notes =
Can we use Places autocomplete for link correction? A mis-typed link will often be in error in only the last couple of characters -- we can truncate the last 2 or 3 characters and rely on Places auto-complete to give us recommendations...
A related alternative would be to construct an edit-distance function and register it with SqlLite. We can then do a query on minimal edit distance (async of course) to get the best link correction matches.
Problem is, how do we hook link correction into the error page? We'd like to provide suggestions inside the web page similar to Google's "did you mean" on the search results page.
= connectionFailure error =

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