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Firefox/Projects/Network Error Pages

754 bytes removed, 11:01, 21 March 2009
we don't need no stinkin error summary
* '''Code Freeze for Beta 4''': April 6, 2009
*Open initial bug for 404 handling<br><br>
*:[[Image:250px-Pictogram voting keep.svg.png|20px]] '''Completed:''' [ Bug 482874] and [ Bug 484313] (DTD changes).
** Hard to say how well it works for real errors in the wild.
** Drawing alternatives from the Places DB looks like a practical tool we can use for suggesting alternatives.
* Discuss with Google Link Doctor team<br><br>
*:[[Image:250px-Pictogram voting wait.svg.png|20px]] '''In progress,''' next: follow up on experimental access to the service.
* Discuss possible 404 implementation with bzbarsky and others<br><br>
** 404 interception unified with the existing error handling architecture is too deep a change to make for 3.1.
** A less intrusive approach similar to the one the experimental 404 extension uses may be possible -- need to investigate further.
===In progress===
* Discuss with Google Link Doctor team<br><br>
*:[[Image:250px-Pictogram voting wait.svg.png|20px]] '''In progress,''' next: follow up on experimental access to the service.
* Implement Levenshtein Distance algorithm in C++<br><br>
* Proposed a plan for actual implementation<br><br>
*:[[Image:250px-Pictogram voting wait.svg.png|20px]] '''In progress,''' (see below) ===To do=== * Follow up with contact on Link Doctor team about experimental access to the Link Doctor service.<br><br>*:[[Image:250px-Pictogram voting delete.svg-1.png|20px]] '''To do''' * Extend the 404 extension to intercept other error types so we can use it to prototype improved error page designs.<br><br>*:[[Image:250px-Pictogram voting delete.svg-1.png|20px]] '''To do''' * Figure out how to plumb 404 interception into Firefox proper (talk to Johnath).<br><br>*:[[Image:250px-Pictogram voting delete.svg-1.png|20px]] '''To do''' * Investigate implementing a proper edit-distance algorithm in C++ that can be used with Sqlite.<br><br>*:[[Image:250px-Pictogram voting delete.svg-1.png|20px]] '''To do''' * Come up with a plan for a production-quality Firefox 3.5 patch.<br><br>*:[[Image:250px-Pictogram voting delete.svg-1.png|20px]] '''To do''' * (Boriss) design a 404 & dnserror explanation website<br><br>*:[[Image:250px-Pictogram voting delete.svg-1.png|20px]] '''To do''' (and decide if it is part of scope)
= Proposed Plan =
= To Do =
# Get the experimental extension out to concerned parties: Boriss, Johnath, and Aza, etc. Work with Boriss to get a first cut on an official 404 page design.
# Follow up with contact on Link Doctor team about experimental access to the Link Doctor service.
# Extend the 404 extension to intercept other error types so we can use it to prototype improved error page designs.
# Figure out how to plumb 404 interception into Firefox proper (talk to Johnath).
# Investigate implementing a proper edit-distance algorithm in C++ that can be used with Sqlite.
# Come up with a plan for a production-quality Firefox 3.5 patch.
= Goals / Use Cases =
= Non Goals =
= Design =
= Bugs =
[ Bug 479922] - Network error pages should give me tools instead of asking me questions
= Reference =
[ nsDocShell::DisplayLoadError] -- dispatches various error pages
[ netError.xhtml]
[ aboutCertError.js]
''about:config'' -- urlclassifier.alternate_error_page default string = "blocked" -- for example -- tells nsDocShell::DisplayLoadError to use the "blocked" page instead of the default generic page.
[] -- triggers a "Secure Connection Failed" error page.
[] -- triggers an "Address Not Found" error page.
== Error Types ==
''Which ones do we want to improve first?''
* Some "tools" may broadly apply -- change the generic template? (e.g. search)
* No new pages, just make the existing pages better?
* Add a search field to addressNotFound page.
* neterror important???
* protocolNotFound
* fileNotFound
* dnsNotFound important???
* connectionFailure important???
* netInterrupt
* netTimeout important???
* nssBadCert
* nssFailure2
* phishingBlocked
* malwareBlocked
* malformedURI
* redirectLoop
* unknownSocketType
* netReset
* netOffline
* isprinting
* deniedPortAccess
* proxyResolveFailure
* proxyConnectFailure
* contentEncodingError
* unsafeContentType
= dnsNotFound error =
[http://example.cmm URL that results in a dnsNotFound error page]
[[Image:Picture_13.png|Firefox error page after a dnsNotFound error.]]
= connectionFailure error =
[ URL that results in a connectionFailure error page]
**[ Bug 479922] - Network error pages should give me tools instead of asking me questions
**[[ nsDocShell::DisplayLoadError] -- dispatches various error pages
**[ netError.xhtml]
**[ aboutCertError.js]
*About pages:
**''about:config'' -- urlclassifier.alternate_error_page default string = "blocked" -- for example -- tells nsDocShell::DisplayLoadError to use the "blocked" page instead of the default generic page.
**[] - triggers a "Secure Connection Failed" error page.
**[] - triggers an "Address Not Found" error page.
**[http://example.cmm triggers dnsNotFound error page]
**[ triggers connectionFailure error page]
* [[Firefox3.1/Sprints/Network Error Pages/Error types|List of possible error to address]] (old)
* [ Summary of error types (FF 1.5)]
* Johnathan Zittrain - [ HerdictWeb] talk in building K - had ideas about integrating it into Firefox's error pages. Instead of Firefox just telling you the site is unreachable, maybe it could tell you whether it has been gone for minutes or months, and whether it is broken for everyone or only for certain ISPs or countries.
* Images:
Image:GoogleChrome404ScreenShot.png|Google Chrome's Friendly 404 Error Page
[image:xxxxxxxxxxx Screenshot of a connectionFailure error page]
= Notes =
Problem is, how do we hook link correction into the error page? We'd like to provide suggestions inside the web page similar to Google's "did you mean" on the search results page.
= More Notes =
Google Chrome's Friendly 404 Error Page
[[Image:GoogleChrome404ScreenShot.png|Google Chrome's Friendly 404 Error Page]]
= Notes Mark III =
[ Summary of error types (FF 1.5)]
''Google Chrome LinkDoctor Service (''
wget -U "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/525.13" ""
= Notes: Herdict =
Email from Jesse:
Here's the bug I filed with my ideas for error pages:
and here's the page that Curtis coincidentally wrote:
Jonathan Zittrain was talking about HerdictWeb
( in building K today and had interesting
ideas about integrating it into Firefox's error pages. Instead of
Firefox just telling you the site is unreachable, maybe it could tell
you whether it has been gone for minutes or months, and whether it is
broken for everyone or only for certain ISPs or countries.
jz -- Curtis and I are in building S today if you want to come over
and chat with us.

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