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Firefox/Projects/Network Error Pages

1,271 bytes added, 09:08, 23 March 2009
==Most current design==
[[Image:404 error 2.png]]
* Offers the best suggestion prominently
* Links to the domain
* Searches the domain for the directory
* Offers a Google search box filled with the text entry
* Next step: links to a page with an explanation of the error and more details of what might have gone wrong
==Most current design==
[[Image:Dns error 2.png]]* Unfortunately, there don't seem to be many useful tools we can provide here, beyond a suggestion and a search. * It's been noted that having only one suggestion on this page as a bulleted item is visually jarring. Earlier mockups had this - my logic was that using this standard format means there's consistency between this and the 404 page above it, which could be brought to the other warnings. Also, this simple bullet list of "tools" can be easily expanded as new link tools may be added. However, I moved it back in this version and lined up the search box. Basically I thought that with only four elements it was too much to vary the indentation and spacing of them all. So if there were more than one "suggestion" it would go back to the 404 format above, but here there's only one (searching Google), so all is left aligned.* Next step: links to a page with an explanation of the error and more details of what might have gone wrong

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