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259 bytes added, 18:05, 31 March 2009
no edit summary
== Attendees ==
steves, honza, johnbarton, robc, bgalbraith, dalmaer, jwalker
== Upcoming/Recent events ==
* mozilla allhands (apr 27-29)
** robc and honza to attend. plan on visiting with fwg on thursday, 30th.
== Firebug 1.4 ==
* activation code all in.
* 1.4a14 shipped, 1.4a15 to be released imminently
** Console, filed Issue 1591
** Script panel, still trying to nail down problems.
* curtis' UI changes now waiting on activation cleanup
** revisit next this week . It's now or never (mar 17or 1.5, really). GOGOGO '''todo''' cbartley* new search implementation requires new UI '''todo'''honza
** next/prev buttons or keybindings? voting for keybindings
** notice at end of file prompting to wrap or cycle files
** honza has incorporated search function into netpanel
* kpdecker's solution for issue 902
* honza thinks he can incorporate search function into netpanel.* not happening
* console reporting when minimized broken now, looking for solutions
* ready for curtis' tab flip?* probably not going to happen
== Firebug 1.3 ==
* issue 1565
** not much we can do. behavior's changed and the work-around fix is worse than the disease.
** new beta for 3.0.8?
** ship 1.3.4 with 3.0.7 disabled?
Canmove, confirm

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