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Talk:Firefox/Namoroka/Initial Plan

661 bytes added, 16:56, 3 April 2009
no edit summary
* s/intended release target/tentative release target/
* s/properly investing time/best investing our time/
= nth10sd =
* For the Performance goal, Mozmill scripts may be a good ways getting performance numbers per actual use by an end user. Examples include:
** Opening 1,000 tabs and visiting sites in each. (while not common, there _are_ folks who use an insane number of tabs - and there have been reports of lagginess or similar when there is such a large number of tabs)
** Going to random sites in hundreds of tabs, along with opening bookmark windows etc., while not restarting Firefox for a certain number of days.
** Or something similar.
** Reference at [ mozmill-dev] thread.
Canmove, confirm

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