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4 bytes removed, 18:13, 11 May 2009
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=== L10nPackage ===
L10nPackage is a representation of list of L10nObjects/ObjectBlob/EntityLists and potentially other L10nPackages. In the file system world, the nearest similar thing is a directory. Directory can store DTD files, JPEG files, and other directories. Another similar structure is MySQL database which stores tables (EntityLists in our case).
=== Summary ===
== Diff module ==
Each and every of the objects - Entity, EntityList, L10nObject, ObjectBlob, L10nPackage has it's mirror class in the Diff land. So in result we have EntityDiff, EntityListDiff, L10nObjectDiff, BlobDiff, L10nPackageDiff.
Diff module allows you to store a difference between two objects of the same type and apply it later. It's like a '''diff''' tool in Linux, beside that it is aware of the syntax of the files/structures and stores the diff in appropriate way. For example if a diff between two EntityLists is a value of one entity, it'll store it as EntityDiff with ID of that entity and (oldvalue,newvalue) tuple.

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