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Talk:Firefox/Namoroka/Initial Plan

42 bytes added, 02:09, 13 May 2009
skierpage: minor
Re '''[P2] support file management tasks (delete, move, etc) in download manager'''
I think the Download manager should be another view in Places (the Library window). Places should remember info about URLs you've saved, and then turn around and let you view and manage the local file://path URLs to which you've saved/downloaded. Tagging, starring, viewing information about downloads such as when saved, the URL you downloaded and download the URL of the pagewhere you downloaded; all have a natural fit with Places data.
How are you going to support file move/copy management? You ''could'' give Places yet another view, a file system view similar to Windows Explorer. Already its navigation pane looks almost identical to Explorer Bar > Folders view in Windows. It might be natural to organize local file:// URLs by showing the directory structure into which you downloaded them.

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