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Talk:Firefox/Namoroka/Initial Plan

1,799 bytes added, 22:28, 14 June 2009
Tabs on Top, UI, sandboxing, ripping tabs.: new section
It seems that [[content Processes|Electrolysis]] is planned within the same timeframe as 3.6's development process. If all goes well, will it be seen in Namoroka? --[[User:RayneVanDunem|RayneVanDunem]] 17:46, 29 May 2009 (UTC)
== Tabs on Top, UI, sandboxing, ripping tabs. ==
I recently was briefly converted to Safari when it was in beta with the Tabs on Top. I've switched back now that Apple have put the tabs 'back where they belong'. Could there at least be the option to have Tabs on Top in
Another little thing from Safari 4 is the Top Sites page - I think the new "New Tab" page should definately have some eye-candy like that!
Thirdly, this is probably for some time beyond Namoroka, but there is an article in this month's PCPro magazine (I can't find it published online - I think there's a delay to get you to buy the mag), which is about next-generation browser UI. In essence, the author suggests that browser interface should adjust according to the site you are on. For example, it might detect that you are using a self-contained app like Gmail or Facebook and automatically strip back on toolbars. Or maybe use some kind of Office-2007-esque ribbon.
Finally, I'm not sure if this is already implemented in 3.5b4, but is sandboxing tabs a possibility? It's one of the reasons I've been wanting Google to make a Mac-version of Chrome.
And the way you can rip tabs out of windows in 3.5 isn't quite satisfactory if you've been using Safari 4. Dragging the tab out onto a second screen should form the new window on that screen, also I think that pages are re-loaded when their tab is moved between windows? This can muck up JavaScript/Flash stuff, but it's just another thing I liked from Safari...
This is just my personal wishlist for, which I would be absolutely useless at implementing, as I haven't got the first clue how to do desktop development, just PHP and stuff for me!
THANK YOU to all the wonderful people who make Firefox! I look forward to Firefox3.6a1!

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