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Labs/Ubiquity/Ubiquity Source Tip Author Tutorial

1,107 bytes added, 06:59, 22 June 2009
Hello World: The First Command
There are a number of other useful functions in the <code>CmdUtils</code> namespace. We don't yet have full documentation for these commands, but you'll get a sense of the useful ones in this tutorial. For more detailed information, take a look at [ cmdutils.js].
=== Making sure your command is localizable ===
Ubiquity now supports multiple languages. That means that hopefully someday someone will be translating your commands to the other languages that Ubiquity supports. Making your command localizable is easy, and a good habit to get into! You just have to wrap any strings that appear in your <code>preview()</code> and <code>execute()</code> methods with:
This may look odd, but what it does is quite important: it makes your strings appear in the template files that localizers will be using. So let's make our "Hello world!" command localizable:
names: ["say hello"],
execute: function() {
displayMessage( _("Hello, World!") );
This makes it so that when a localization template is generated from your command feed, "Hello, World!" will be listed among the strings to be translated.
Note that we don't need to wrap the names, or other strings that appear in the command metadata -- these are automatically wrapped for us. We only need to wrap strings that appear inside the functions.
== Adding a Preview ==
preview: "Displays a <i>salutary</i> greeting to the planet.",
execute: function() {
displayMessage( _( "Hello, World!" ) );

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