=== Roundtable ===
* when to land infallible malloc (beltzner)
** infallible malloc should land after we branch for 1.9.2, definitely
** if it's targetted at 1.9.3, we need to commit to stabilizing for Novemberish for the planned 1.9.3 branch
** what other pieces are we aiming at for 1.9.3? we should get that list
* shipping jQuery (beltzner)
** jetpack ships jQuery, and mozilla-central is considering it
** pressure is to leverage the existing group of web developers who are used to it, and who might want to write add-ons for mozilla platform products
** unsure whether shipping it, or shims is the right thing to do
** unsure what the use cases are
** unsure what to do about other libraries (moo.fx, prototype, YUI)
** will start a dev-platform thread soon to gather requirements
* what's the firebug plan?
* Quick update on Code Coverage (timr)