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Talk:Firefox/Namoroka/Initial Plan

953 bytes added, 10:57, 19 August 2009
no edit summary
Carlo - The windows builds are faster because the compiler generally creates better code than gcc does. Plus, afaik, we can't use PGO on Linux because of tooling problems with the profiling tools and threaded applications. We've spent a lot of time optimizing Linux but if you would be willing to help get some gcc people to look at those tools it would help a lot - thanks!
== Samuelspiza ==
=== Menu Bar ===
I really like the option to hide the Menu Bar in 3.6a1. It brings the Interface closer to a point where it only contains features i really need.
However i think the handling of the problem could be further improved. With a hidden Menu Bar functions that have no keyboard shortcut are not quite handy to access. (Preferences, Addons, Update, + everything you doesn't do reguarly enough to remember the shortcut)
I have to click twice to undo the hiding. Then at least two clicks to access the function. Finally two more clicks to hide the Bar again. Even if I need functions from the Menu Bar only once or twice a day this procedure feels somehow arbitary complicated.
The prefered solution for me would be an option to hide the menus under a button right next to the home/reload buttons. This Layout would still save many pixels compared to a whole bar. However it would have lower burden to access the features.

Navigation menu