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Talk:Firefox/Namoroka/Initial Plan

11 bytes added, 02:12, 20 August 2009
First Impressions I Have From a User Standpoint
Still running RedShift v3 with no issues (well it may be causing my issues too).
All add-ons that shouldn't work so far seem to be working fine (that I use on a day to day basis).
Having issues adding Bookmarks (they won't) and all my saved bookmarks didn't transfer over (probably have to do something else but unsure what atm).
Doesn't seem to eat memory like 3.5.2 does or hold on in the system after it was closed.
Also doesn't seem to use the processor up like 3.5.2 did instead seems to be taking less.
The memory seems to pretty much stay stable the whole time also.
Running Quad Extreme Q9650, 4GB 1066MHz RAM, on a 780i MB, with Raptor HDD, under Vista Ultimate 64.
Current benchmarks of browsers I currently have installed (used peacekeeper for test I only did one run per browser but the numbers are far enough apart to make the point.
Namoroka 3.6a1 - 2441
Firefox 3.5.2 - 2036
Chrome - 3829
IE 8.0.6001.18813 - 868
IE 8.0.6001.18813 64-bit - 881

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