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Talk:Firefox/Namoroka/Initial Plan

32 bytes added, 18:24, 24 August 2009
First Impressions I Have From a User Standpoint
Current benchmarks of browsers I currently have installed (used peacekeeper for test I only did one run per browser but the numbers are far enough apart to make the point.
Minefield 3.7a1pre - 2578(22 Aug) 2216 (24 Aug)
Namoroka 3.6a1 - 2441
Chrome still wins even in Sunspider test at 507ms on my setup.
Minefield is close behind too with 796.6 (22 Aug) so they've already taken over 100ms off between an alpha and pre-alpha release. I believe Firefox can squeak out past everyone shortly. Also see the jump from 3.6 to 3.7 soon with Minefields marks.
Sunspider Test between 3.5.2 (left) and 3.6a1 (right)

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