→More on Search
And please include a field or property that shows where a bookmark is in the bookmark folder tree. This is needed when your re-grouping bookmarks. Currently, if you search on a bookmark and find a few related ones, there's no way to tell where they are on the bookmark tree and if they need to be moved/re-grouped to a more rational structure.
In addition, please have a look at the bookmark manager
of the old Netscape Communicator 4.78. In contrast to Firefox,
the old bookmark editor of Netscape Communicator is very fast
and convenient. Moving and copying bookmarks between
(sub)folders is much faster than with Firefox and Mozilla,
in particular, on Sun Solaris. Please learn from the old editors!
In particular, I have hundreds of folders and subfolders
with thousands of bookmarks. And the function
"Find in Bookmarks" of Netscape Communicator
allows to search for text in bookmarks as well as
in folder/subfolder titles and to jump from one
search hit to the next search hit within the tree.
Example: Using the search string "Java", it is very useful
to find all subfolders titled "Java applications/programming/etc."
contained in diverse folders named "applications" and "programming".
To sum up, make the folder titles and bookmarks
searchable at the same time! The resulting list
should return folders and bookmarks that contain the
search string anywhere in their title/name/location/description/tags.
Alternatively, the user should be able to jump from
one hit to the next hit in the bookmark tree
as it is implemented in the Netscape Communicator.
If some user does not want to find folder titles,
then the user should be able to turn this off.
But I prefer to find not only bookmarks, but also
folders containing my text in the title.
== Projects ==