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This is an incomplete documentation of all the options for connecting to an LDAP address book. I am no LDAP expert, but here is how I connected to and searched an LDAP address book.

==Active Directory==
I did this connecting to a Windows Active Directory, but it should work for other LDAP directories.

*Open up the address book inside Thunderbird.
*Go to Tools | Composition | check "Directory Server" and click ''Edit Directories''.
*Click ''Add'' and fill in the following information:
**Name: Whatever you'd like to call this address book. For this example, I'll use ''' directory'''.
**Hostname: This is FQDN of the LDAP server. In the Windows world, this will be a domain controller. In this example, the server's name is '''server1'''.
**Base DN: This setting depends on how your directory is laid out. Point this to the "root" of the directory where you want to start searching for user information. For this example, we'll assume you are using a default Windows install and have all your users under the "Users" container -- '''cn=users,dc=foo,dc=com'''.
**Port number: The default is '''389'''. This will default to 636 if you check the box for "Use secure connection (SSL)."
**Bind DN: This is a username that has authority to search the LDAP directory. For this example, we assume there is a '''''limited access''''' user setup just for making LDAP queries -- ''''''.
**Use secure connection (SSL): For most Windows servers you do not need this checked.
*Click ''OK'' on the Directory Server Properties window to save your new directory.
*Click ''OK'' on the LDAP Directory Servers window.
*Choose your new directory (''' directory''') from the drop-down list, and click ''OK'' on the Options window.

When you type in a name it will prompt you for a password for the username we entered above with an option to remember the password.

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