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Gecko:Task List

2,107 bytes removed, 21:38, 8 November 2009
Outstanding "Want To Have" Features
Core Mozilla2 work such as XPCOMGC and changes to XPConnect is not listed here. (Should it be?)
=== Outstanding "Want To Have" Platform Features ===
* When printing, clone the document and create a new presentation for that, instead of trying to create a new presenation (allows print preview/printing in a new window, letting the user continue to interact with the old document) (Blocked by {{bug|42976}}, although I suppose a kludge is possible. -EliRe)* Implement the remainder of CSS3 Selectors [dbaron]* Implement the DOM Selectors API [bz]* Implement implement CSS3 page-break and column-break properties [fantasai?]* Implement final version of CSS3 columns spec, including column-rule
* Implement CSS3 writing-mode and related properties
* Implement CSS3 word-wrap, text-overflow and other * Implement CSS3 text layout properties-justify* Implement CSS3 ruby
* Implement better-than-greedy line breaking in justified mode
* Implement text-shadow [ventnor]
* Implement box-shadow
* Implement CSS3 Advanced Layout and/or Grid
* Implement CSS3 borders and backgrounds module* Implement CSS animations* Implement CSS 3D transformations* Implement CSS downloadable fonts [jdaggett]* Implement CSS media queries [dbaron]* Implement HTML5 Web Forms 2* Implement HTML5 SQL* Implement HTML5 server-sent events* Implement CSSOM RangeView.getBoundingClientRect/getClientRects
* Implement CSSOM rangeFromPoint (or whatever it gets called)
* Implement auto-hyphenation
* HTML5 <video> and <audio> [doublec, cpearce, kinetik]* Implement Web Apps 1.0: drag-and-drop (See {{bug|356295}}) [enndeakin]* XBL2 implementation
* Eliminate XUL box objects in favour of APIs directly on XUL elements
* Work on cairo OpenGL backend
* SVG SMIL support
* SVG fonts [karlt]
* SVG in <img>* SVG in backgrounds, borders* Finish SVG 1.1 filters* Features comparable to The Venice Project's XUL compositor: caching content subtree rendering in graphics memory* Features comparable to The Venice Project's XUL compositor: DOM feature to visually clone another element in the document* Out-of-process plugins* Profile sharing* HTML speculative parsing to kick off parallel resource loadsimages
* Advanced PDF output (bookmarks, clickable links, form fields)
* Canvas3D [vlad]
=== Outstanding "Want To Have" Cleanup ===
* HTML5 parser
* Clean up editor code
** Move some code to JS
** remaining C++ code can use Gecko-private interfaces like nsINode/nsIContent instead of DOM interfaces
** Move editor objects to document
* Move selection to document, rename selection classes* Unified scrollbar element with a private interface for setting its values so we don't have to use SetAttribute during layout. Also get rid of anonymous content in scrollbars
* PresShell / PresContext unification
** First task in this is making sure they always have the same lifetime.
* Rework image drawing to decompress-on-draw and make the principal interface be "draw yourself to this Thebes context"
* Unify widget events and DOM events
* [[Gecko:Compositor|Compositor]], widget removal, view removal
* Help Mailnews/Thunderbird finally get rid of its dependency on xpcom_obsolete as per [[Gecko:Obsolete_API]] and
* Rename selection classes** Move selection to content?* Move XUL <tree> to contentusing a beforepaint event
* Deal with the frame continuation mess
* Rework XUL layout to operate more like normal reflow (compute all widths first, then all heights)
** Then merge nsHTMLScrollFrame/nsXULScrollFrame
* Replace inline reflow logic so it's not tied to recursive Reflow calls
** Ditto for most other reflow logic
* Factor abs-pos reflow out of nsBlockFrame so any rel-pos frame can be an abs-pos container
* [ Fix overflow areas]
* Fix invariants for invalidation during reflow* Rework [[CSSFrameConstructor|frame construction]] , or move to be simpler, faster and less fragile** Then merge nsHTMLScrollFrame/nsXULScrollFramedisplay-list-based invalidation
* Optional floating-point nscoord
 === Tasks Too Vaguely Specified === Please rescue these by defining them in more detail. * plugins** Needs an owner.** There's some low hanging fruit that's been proposed by the plugin-futures group Rework printing to implement.* layout** form controls** further cleanup of nsHTMLReflowState following reflow branch landing* content** image loading (dbaron's complaints)** range*** Some easy fixes to just use better interfaces (nsINode rather then nsIDOMNode) the print presentation and better algorithms.*** Some standards compliance bugs. Fixing is easy, but we have a separate document full of XUL "page" elements to make sure there are not internal code that depend on current behaviour.* imglib** bz's issues* docshell** document loading* focusrender the preview

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