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272 bytes added, 20:27, 25 January 2010
no edit summary
= Mobile =
* Deb repacks broken from new deb version {{bug|538699}}
** go with existing patch that doesn't break WinMo?
= L10n =
* l10n nightly usage numbers for different branches
* public-facing dashboard launching soon
= RelEng =
* WinMo nightly updates still blocked on AUS changes: {{bug|507024}}
* WinMo l10n coming up soon
* Deb repacks broken from new deb version {{bug|538699}}
= Roundtable =
* FOSDEM in 2 weeks: many localizers will be there so if there's anything we want presented or discussed, talk to Axel/Seth.
= Priorities =
Canmove, confirm

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