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351 bytes removed, 18:01, 29 January 2010
Setting up the Server
== Setting up the Server ==
1) You can get the latest server from (there you can download it in different formats). Once things are fully established, we'll declare certain builds as stable, but for now assume all releases are beta quality. Unzip it into your html tree.-sync
2) Edit your apache conf files to add the following:
Alias /1.0 <full path to weave directory>/server/sync/1.0/index.php
Don't forget to set up the weave directory in a virtual-host-directive (or similar), or else php will not work. (See sample virtual host config below)
3) Copy 1.0/default_constants.php.dist to 1.0/default_constants.php and edit it as described below. If you have mutiple hostnames, you can put override constant files into {HOST_NAME}_constants.php
Canmove, confirm

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