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209 bytes added, 06:59, 1 February 2010
Implementation for Roland and Thunderbird
The first implementation of this spec will be for Thunderbird, specifically, Roland Tanglao, because I simply don't have time to wait to get consensus and implement something that will work for everybody, i.e. I need this yesterday. It will be open source so feel free to enhance, modify and copy !
Bryan Clark, Lead UI Designer has written (in about 2 hours at an airport, thanks for taking some of your precious time!) a "flag duplicate" prototype in the form of a Firefox Jetpack extension which is very very crude. Crude meaning it doesn't work :-). It does add a link for "duplicate link " and then try to read a list of common topics but that part doesn't work.It doesn't do anything else i.e. it doesn't implement "Ask for information" or "Split into Subtopics" or "Deal with the 20% unknown"
The code is here(and it's MPL licensed so you can do whatever you want with it :-) !):

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